If you’re looking for a destination where you can afford to live well without worrying about money, Budapest is an excellent option.
Looking for a European Experience? Here’s why Budapest Beats London
Meet interesting people, experience new cultures, see the world… or just drink at the local pub with your mates from home.
Too often, Kiwis who have moved to London end up embarrassed by how few Brits (or people from other nationalities) they meet. Since there are so many Kiwis living in London, many end up in a bubble, only socialising with other Kiwis and the occasional Aussie.
It’s the typical overseas experience or ‘OE’ for Kiwis. And moving to London is ingrained into many New Zealanders as something that they need to do in life before moving back to NZ and settling down.
But more and more Kiwis are now passing up London for a different kind of OE. They’re heading to Asia to teach English, South America to learn Spanish, and other European destinations for the chance to really get stuck into a different culture.
Now, Kiwis with wanderlust are looking for European youth mobility visas which allow them to work and play in some of the best cities in Europe. This includes Budapest- a stunning European city with excellent weather and plenty to do for Kiwis wanting something a little different for their OE.
If you’re looking for a European experience, but don’t like the idea of sitting in The Church bar, every day, here’s why Budapest beats London:
You’ve probably heard both Londoners and kiwi friends talking about the cost of living in London. Much of this is due to the expense of housing. The average rental ranges from £250-£600 per month ($455-$1092 NZD) for a flat share (living with roommates), and £650-£800 ($1183-$1456 NZD) for a one bedroom flat. And this is usually with a hefty commute to get into the central city.
In Budapest, an apartment with roommates will set you back around 80,000-90,000 HUF per month ($413-$465 NZD) in the best part of town. To live alone in a modern apartment (also in the best part of town), you’d pay between 120,000 and 200,000 HUF ($620-$1033 NZD).
As you can see, for what you would pay to live with roommates in a flat in a suburb in London, you’d pay to live alone in an apartment in the best part of town in Budapest.
Cost of Living
It’s not just housing that’s cheaper in Budapest. Groceries, alcohol, meals out, and public transport are all much cheaper as well.
An average monthly pass for the London Underground will cost you between £126 and £231 ($228- $419 NZD) depending on which zones you need to travel through. In Budapest, you can get a monthly pass for all public transport, including trams, buses, and the metro, for less than $50 NZD.
In London, it rains. A lot. And people spend a lot of time indoors to escape the miserable weather. Sure, you’ll get a few nice days here and there, but they’re the exception and not the rule.
In Budapest, there are four seasons. From May, the weather begins hitting 25-28º regularly. People hang out on the rooftop bars, picnic in the parks, and stroll along the tree-lined Andrassy Avenue while licking ice cream cones. Summer is hot, with long nights of eating and drinking outside. And Autumn becomes slightly chilly near the end of October, but allows you to explore the city wearing jeans and a sweater.
While winter can be brutal, these four seasons allow you to really enjoy the city, as you have plenty of time to spend outside, and you never need to worry that it’ll rain in the middle of your weekend in July.
Hungary is perfectly located in the middle of Europe, making it easy to get around. Feel like a week in Prague? It’s just five hours on a train. Day trip to Vienna? Three hours, and you can use the free wifi on the way. Warsaw? Just a quick one hour and fifteen minute flight.
While you can also grab plenty of cheap flights from London, the amount of train travel you can do is limited. Budapest is also closer to a lot of interesting Eastern European countries that see fewer visitors- making it a great place to live if you’re hoping to get off the beaten path.
If you’re interested in getting the Budapest working holiday visa for New Zealanders, get in touch today. We’re experts and have helped numerous Kiwis with their youth mobility visas in Hungary. Give us a call or email to learn how we can help.