Hungarian Permanent Residence Card
Hungary is home to a population estimate of more than 9.9 million people according to census in 2015. The country has a rich heritage that dates back to Roman Empires in 9BC as well as Kingdoms and Dynasties that date back to medieval times. The capital city, Budapest is a thriving Research and Development Centre within Central and Eastern Europe.
Immigrating to Hungary opens the door to many fantastic possibilities albeit business related or establishing new roots by raising a family in a different country located in the EU. Once having acquired residence, the Hungarian permanent residence card is something that will become part of the new Hungarian citizen’s official documentation.
To acquire Hungarian permanent residence there are certain steps to follow which certain foreign nationals may qualify for. Qualifying individuals can apply for the residency bond program of Hungary which will allow even more benefits, such as the fact that dependents (parents and children) as well as spouses can receive lifetime residence permit. Also, it affords one low costs to the program, while overall peace and safety can be enjoyed within the country. Being able to travel freely throughout Europe and Schengen countries is just another advantage of having Hungarian permanent residency.
How does one obtain a Hungarian permanent resident card?
A Hungarian permanent residence card can be acquired based on but not limited to the following:
• EEA (European Economic Area) nationals who have resided in Hungary without interference for a minimum of 5 years.
• Nationals outside the EU (European Union) or those of third countries who have legally resided within Hungary for a minimum of 5 years without interference.
• Right of permanent residence – child born to Hungarian parents
• Spouse of an Hungarian citizen provided the marriage was contracted 2 years prior to the application and have been living in the communities for continued number of years without interruption
• Have had legal employment within Hungary for minimum 2 years without interruption but need to give up employment due to accident or health conditions
• Individual has been residing in Hungary for more than minimum 3 years but need to give up work because he/she has reached retirement age but have worked in Hungary for more than 12 months
Entitled persons to the Hungarian permanent residence card includes but is not limited to:
• Spouse of EEA citizen
• An individual within parental rights / guardianship of an Hungarian child
• Life partner of EEA or Hungarian citizen
• EEA citizen or spouse of dependant ascendant
• A person with custody to a minor Hungarian citizen who is authorised to enter and reside within Hungary as acting parent / family member
Validity of the residence card
The Hungarian permanent residence card is renewable every 10 years to eligible third country citizens. EEA nationals have unlimited validity on their residence cards.